Cigars POS Blog

Protect Your Business With These 7 Tobacco Store Security Ideas

Written by Spence | Sep 19, 2024 2:30:00 PM

Shoplifters cost retailers over $120 billion in 2023. Do you know how many of those shoplifters were caught? Only 2%.

In other words, to protect your tobacco store business, you need to be proactive in stopping theft before it starts. However, we know that running a tobacco store is tough, and your time is limited.

With shoplifting on the rise, the best time to implement new security measures is now.

You can approach retail security from various angles, and some tobacco store owners don’t know where to start. We’re here to help. Here are seven tobacco store security ideas you can try today to keep your business safe.

Types of Tobacco Store Security

There are two security categories in tobacco stores:

  • Physical security: The protection of your goods, staff, and other customers in your store. This includes things like locks and display cases, as well as cameras or other ways to physically monitor your store.
  • Data security: As you collect more customer information for loyalty programs or online sales, you have a responsibility to keep it safe. This involves having appropriate employee access controls and using software that adheres to the most up-to-date data security best practices.

Neglecting either of these can lead to losses that will hurt your reputation and your bottom line.

7 Security Ideas To Keep Your Tobacco Store Safe

Increasing security doesn’t necessarily mean investing in high-tech security devices or hiring security guards.

Here are seven easy-to-implement ideas you can use today to keep your tobacco store more secure.


1. Lock Up High-Value Items

High-value items like hand-rolled cigars or vape pens aren’t worth risking out in the open. Instead, put high-value items behind the counter or in a locked display case. 

That said, a secure display case doesn’t have to be ugly and metal. There are many wood and glass cases you can get that are secure and also look great, adding to the interior design of your tobacco store. 

In other words, consider your secure cases as more than a security measure — make them a centerpiece for your shop.


2. Reconsider Your Store Layout

Tweaking the layout of your store is a great way to drum up more business — it’s also a great way to improve security. Make sure aisles and displays are laid out to provide your employees with clear sightlines. Avoid clutter and keep aisles as wide as possible. 

Employees can’t be everywhere at once. So, for blind spots, place angled mirrors or monitors to give them an easy way to keep track of customers. You could also install security cameras in these areas for oversight.

Last, place registers near the door so customers can’t leave the shop without passing by a member of staff. 

3. Use Employee and Inventory Management Tools

No one wants to talk about employee theft. Unfortunately, 22% of small businesses have had employees steal from them. Minimize the risk of shrinkage (both intentional and accidental) by using employee management and inventory management software. 

  • Employee management: Review transaction logs to see when and who handled certain transactions to identify any unusual patterns or discrepancies. Also monitor when employees clock in and out. Use role-based access controls to ensure only the right people have access to specific information or capabilities on your point of sale (POS) system.
  • Inventory management: Keep track of stock levels in real time. The best systems automatically update inventory levels with each sale. Perform regular inventory audits, focusing on high-value or fast-moving items. Comparing physical counts with system records will help you identify discrepancies quickly. Last, use software that allows easy matching of received goods against purchase orders.

These technologies are useful for much more than employee theft prevention. They’ll also help you reward great employees and optimize your stock levels.



4. Install Cameras and Signs

CCTV cameras are one of the first things shop owners consider when they think of security, and for a good reason: they work. Security cameras are now a lot less bulky and more affordable. 

A camera isn’t only there to monitor your store, it’s also a deterrent. Place cameras in prominent locations inside and outside your store. At a minimum, have cameras monitor the aisles, registers, and store entrances.

In addition to cameras, put up signs telling shoppers that the store is monitored for shoplifting. Place signs near commonly shoplifted items like cigarettes. For many shoplifters, the notion that they’re being watched will be enough to put them off trying.


5. Know Your Peak Hours

Knowing when your peak hours are is useful for a variety of reasons. 

  • It helps you optimize your staff scheduling
  • It ensures you have your most popular products in stock at the right times
  • It helps you prevent shoplifting

Some security professionals list between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. as peak shoplifting hours, but in truth, it will depend on your store and its location. If your staff is overwhelmed, a thief is more likely to try and evade notice. 

Use the reports on your POS system to find your store’s peak hours and seasons to make sure you’re adequately staffed.


6. Train Your Staff

The value of well-trained staff is hard to overstate. Train staff to keep an eye on customers (without being rude) and how to spot shoplifters. Also, know the limits of what your staff can do, and tell them when it’s time to call the police. 

Another solid theft deterrent is friendly customer service. No, we’re not kidding. Engaging and chatting with customers as they come in is an effective way to turn away a would-be shoplifter. To the majority of your customers, this will simply help them find what they’re looking for faster. For a thief, it sends a signal that your staff isn’t going to just ignore them. 

It’s a win-win for everyone. 

Additionally, many retail scams involve fake credit card refunds. Make sure you read up on common scams like these and train your staff to spot them. Also, have a clear and established return policy in place to reduce your risk.


7. Use a Secure POS System

Every time a customer gives you their email to sign up for a loyalty program or their credit card information to make a purchase, they’re putting their trust in you. Stealing sensitive data is a lucrative business, and 9% of Americans have experienced some form of identity theft in the last year.

More importantly, a single breach could tank your reputation with customers.

Keep customer data safe by using a modern, cloud-based POS system. A cloud-based system will automatically stay updated to close security gaps and meet modern data security standards. This removes the pressure from you to update your on-premises systems yourself.

Last, a POS system using in-house or integrated payment processing will be PCI-DSS compliant. These standards ensure any customer payment information is safe, whether they shop in-store or online.

Increase Security With an Industry-Specific Solution

Beefing up your tobacco store security will pay off in the long run. Better security will help reduce shrinkage, improve your customers’ experience, and maintain a solid reputation. 

A POS system built for the tobacco industry is an easy way to get started. Cigars POS is built to improve tobacco store efficiency and security with features like:

  • Employee tracking
  • Inventory management
  • Age-verification
  • High-risk payment processing

… and more. 

Don’t put your store at risk. Contact our tobacco store experts today to see how we can help your store stay safe and find success.